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My Favourite Web Site.
I have two favourite Web Sites: and . Really they aren`t my favorite web sites, but I think that they are very useful to me. I don`t remember how I discovered either of them.
The first: (Real Academia Española), it is a dictionary; you can search any word and check if it is right, or knowing its mean. Always that I am doing an essay and I have a question about some word, I visit it. I think that it is one of my favorite because I can trust 100 percent in its information.
The second is, I like it because you can find anything, whatever.
For example if I want listen some song I know that I will find it there. And, I don`t need download this song, or sometimes that I want see a short-film; I can see it in this web site. Today I was in the kinesiology and they began to talk about youtube, they said that If you don`t remember which was the right way to do a taping, you can visit this page and they show you the procedure step by step. I think that it is amazing!
Really, I think that the best friend is not forever. It, surely, will be changing during the life.
Actually, my best friend is a peer of my handball`s team. Her name is Valeria. I play by the “Universidad de Chile” with her. I knew her, about six years ago. I think that she is my best friend because we do anything together. I see her all the days (sometimes, I don`t want, but like we train all the days so I have to see her). IN general, all my best friends come from handball. Apart from this, we have the same hours that it is very different at the rest of my friends, so generally, we organize us to do the things. For example, all the team haven`t holidays, in this period we are here, in Santiago, training and if the coach gives us one day we get out of Santiago together, because all the other friends are in anywhere.
Sometimes we had been some discussion, but nothing important.
I want to share a very important experience to us (all the team), the last winter`s holidays, we qualified to the World Championship. It was fabulous, one of the best things of all my life.
Yes, if we don´t do anything, surely in the future we will be only inflexible engineers.
It is vey important, I think that the Sir Ken Robinson´s Speech is really good. When he says that the subject related to the arts must be so important like maths or languages. He is saying the true. Some guys have a talent for arts or music and others guys are good for maths. So, it isn´t right that some students are favored ant other don´t. The artists, sometimes, don´t feel comfortable in their Institute (Like the girl that Sir ken Robinson told us). However, if we want make more important to the artist we must be conscious that in the future the artist will be more. It is good, in one way. Actually, if you are an artist you have to be brilliant.
I mean, we have to give more importance in the Institute and in the work field. On the contrary they will be affected.